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CCTV Drain Inspections Brisbane


If you’re in Brisbane and your drains are giving you trouble, then you may want to consider getting a CCTV drain inspection. This type of inspection can help to identify any problems with your drains and can also provide a solution to fixing them. Here’s what you need to know about CCTV drain inspections in Brisbane.

What is a CCTV Drain Inspection?

Many homes and businesses in Brisbane have a drainage system that needs regular maintenance to function properly. A CCTV drain inspection is a great way to assess the condition of your drains and identify any potential problems. A CCTV drain inspection involves inserting a camera into the drain to get a close-up look at the condition of the pipes. The camera is connected to a monitor so that the technician can see what’s going on inside the drain. This type of inspection is non-invasive and can be done quickly and easily. CCTV drain inspections are an important part of preventative maintenance for your drains. By identifying potential problems early, you can avoid costly repairs down the road.

Why do you need a drain inspection?

If you have a blocked drain, chances are you’re not looking forward to the process of finding and fixing the issue. But what if there was a way to quickly and easily locate the blockage without having to dig up your entire yard? Thanks to CCTV drain inspections in Brisbane, there is! This technology involves inserting a small camera into your drain pipe in order to get a clear view of what’s causing the blockage. Not only is this method less invasive than traditional methods, but it can also save you time and money in the long run.

CCTV drain cameras can help homeowners find the exact cause of the drain problem, including:

  • Root intrusions:  Root intrusion is one of the most common problems that can affect your drains. Tree roots can grow into cracks in your pipes, causing them to break or collapse. This can lead to serious problems, including sewage leaks and flooding. Tree roots growing into drain lines can also cause them to become blocked, which can be a real headache for homeowners. If you’ve noticed any tree roots intruding into your pipes, you should have a CCTV drain inspection performed.
  • Sediment build-up in pipes:  Sediment build-up in pipes is a common problem that can lead to serious issues if left untreated. Over time, sediment can accumulate in the pipes and cause blockages that can restrict water flow and lead to flooding. If not caught early, it can lead to serious problems like pipe bursts or water damage. In addition, the sediment can trap debris and waste, which can create an ideal environment for bacteria to grow.
  • Pipes that are broken or cracked:  When pipes are broken or cracked, they can be a major cause of drain problems. The most common problem associated with broken or cracked pipes is leaks, but you may also experience other issues such as slow water flow.
  • Damage from an earthquake:  When an earthquake hits, the resulting damage can cause a number of problems for drain systems. Cracks in pipes can lead to leaks and blockages, while debris from collapsed buildings can clog up drains and sewer lines. In some cases, entire sections of the pipe may be uprooted and displaced. This can lead to sewage spilling out into streets and homes and can contaminate water supplies.

If you suspect any of these, you should contact an expert emergency plumber right away. A plumber will be able to inspect your pipes and determine if they need to be repaired or replaced. Once the inspection is complete, your drain technician will be able to recommend the best course of action to repair any damage and prevent further issues. However, if there is significant damage to your pipes, you may need to have them replaced.

Brisbane’s specialists in CCTV Drain Inspections

Calling for a CCTV drain inspection is much cheaper than having to excavate your entire drainage system. It’s also less disruptive because the technician can quickly and easily locate the problem without having to tear up your yard or dig through your foundation.

If you are experiencing any type of drainage issue, don’t wait to call for help. A quick inspection can save you a lot of time, money, and headaches in the long run. Be sure to find a reputable company with experienced technicians to do the job right. AC Plumbing has been in this business for many years and can guarantee the best services. Our team of qualified technicians is fully equipped with the latest technology to provide you with an accurate diagnosis of your drainage issue. Whether it’s a blocked drain or a broken pipe, we’ll get to the bottom of it and provide you with a solution that will get your drains flowing freely again.

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Steve Goodwin


Contacted by Facebook 7pm to ask about fixing a concealed leak. Responded almost immediately, organised to come out next day. Turned up earlier, found the leak quickly and fixed that, as well as upgrading some taps, and replacing a water pump…
Megan Fisher


The AC team were great. From the very first phone call with Leanne to Andrew turning up the team were professional and friendly. Andrew made helpful observations and did a great (and fast) job of getting the job done.
Kevin Perry


Highly recommend. I called AC Plumbing at 11:30am to get a quote on replacing a Hot Water system. They were there in 30 minutes and the quote was very reasonable. I booked with them straight away and the job was done in under 4 hours…
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