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Is Brown Tap Water Dangerous?

Is Brown Tap Water Dangerous

We all want access to clean drinking water, a basic necessity for health and well-being. Imagine turning on your tap, expecting the usual clear water, but suddenly brown water comes out.

The sight of brown water from the tap can be alarming, making you wonder about its safety and the health implications. This discoloration often points to issues within water pipes, suggesting the presence of rusty water which can occur due to various reasons.

If you are experiencing brown water from your taps, read on to understand the underlying causes and how it can affect your home water supply.

Whether it’s aging infrastructure or disturbances in the water distribution system, noticing brown water can be a sign that your water quality needs attention.

What Causes Brown Tap Water

The brown water from tap is a water problem that can be from several different causes. To give you a better understanding, here are some of the common reasons why your tap water turns brown:

Rusty Pipes

Rusty pipes are a primary cause for the water coming out of your taps to appear brown. The rust accumulates over time within old plumbing systems, leading to discolored water.

This is particularly common in homes with aged metal pipes that have corroded, allowing rust particles to mix with the water. If you notice brown water, inspecting for rusted pipes can be an essential first step in identifying the issue.

High Iron Content

High iron content in the water supply is another common reason your tap water might turn brown. This can occur when water sourced from wells or areas with high mineral content is processed.

The iron can cause the water to become discolored, and while not necessarily hazardous to health, it can affect the taste and appearance of the water. Over time, high iron content can also contribute to the build-up of rust in pipes and fixtures.

Old Plumbing Systems

Old plumbing systems can also be the culprit if brown water is coming from your taps. Rusted plumbing pipes or fittings that have degraded over time can leak rust into the water supply, leading to discolored water.

Additionally, the deterioration of these systems can cause low water pressure, further exacerbating the issue. Regular maintenance and updates to your home’s plumbing may be required to resolve this problem.

Sediment from the Water Source

Sediment from the water source can lead to discolored water as well. Natural and artificial changes in the water source can stir up sediment, which is then carried into the city water systems.

This sediment can accumulate in your home’s hot water system, hot water heater, or other fixtures, leading to brown water when taps are turned on. Regular cleaning and flushing of your home’s water system can help minimize this issue.

Corroding Water Heaters

Corroding water heaters are a frequent cause of brown tap water, especially when the hot water system is involved. The internal lining of the water heater can rust over time, causing rust particles to mix with the hot water.

This results in discolored water when hot taps are used. Regular maintenance and timely replacement of the hot water heater can prevent such issues.

Pressure Changes in Water Mains

Pressure changes in water mains can also lead to discolored water. When the water pressure drops, it can cause sediment that has settled at the bottom of the mains to be stirred up and distributed into the city water supply.

This can cause the water to become brown or discolored. Monitoring water pressure and reporting sudden changes to your water provider can help address this cause.

Is Brown Water from the Tap Harmful?

Experiencing brown tap water is not a small concern; it could signal potentially hazardous conditions in your water supply system.

The discoloration often results from internal corrosion, indicating that your pipes could be rusting away. While not all causes of brown water are immediately dangerous, certain situations where the water is contaminated with heavy metals or bacteria can be poisonous.

Brown water can act as a breeding ground for these contaminants, making the water dangerous for consumption. Regularly consuming or using discolored water for cooking and bathing might expose you and your family to health risks, underscoring the importance of addressing this issue promptly.

How to Test for Brown Tap Water

To test the water coming from your tap for discoloration, consider using one of the following methods.

  1. Water Testing Kits are readily available and can provide an insight into what contaminants might be causing the brown water. These kits can test for a variety of factors, including heavy metals and bacteria, which can indicate the presence of rust or other issues in your water supply.
  2. DIY Test Methods include a simple, yet effective approach; let the water flow from the cold tap for about 20 minutes. If the water turns clear again, the issue may not be serious.

However, if the water clears but not completely, or if it still has brown water, this could suggest a more significant issue within your plumbing system or indicate that your water supply will require a professional water treatment technician.

At this point, consulting with a plumbing service becomes essential, and you may also need to consider installing a water filter system and/or water softener to address the problem effectively.

How to Address Brown Tap Water Issues

Now, to give you a head start on addressing brown tap water issues, here are some of the steps you can take:

Flushing the System

Flushing your home’s water system is a straightforward method to potentially clear brown water from your taps. This process involves running cold water through all taps for several minutes to clear out any sediment or rust that may have accumulated.

It’s particularly effective if the brown water issue stems from temporary disturbances in the water table or recent work on the water mains. Regular flushing after such events can prevent brown water issues from persisting.

Installing a Water Filtration System

A water filtration system can be an effective solution to prevent brown water from affecting your home. By filtering out sediments, rust, and other contaminants, these systems ensure that both your cold water tap and hot water tap provide clear, clean water.

This can be especially useful in areas with high iron content in the water or older homes with iron pipes susceptible to rust and leaking pipes, which cause water to turn brown.

Replacing Old Pipes and Plumbing Systems

Old, corroding pipes are a common cause of brown water issues. Replacing aged or leaking pipes, particularly those made of iron, with modern materials can significantly reduce the risk of water discoloration.

Regular inspections can help identify vulnerable sections of your plumbing system that are at risk of causing brown water from the cold tap or other issues related to water quality.

Regularly Maintaining Water Heaters

Water heaters can also be a source of brown water, especially if they are aging or not maintained properly. Sediment build-up at the bottom of the heater can cause water brown when tapped for hot water.

Draining and cleaning the water heater annually can prevent this sediment from mixing with the water, eliminating a common cause for hot water to turn brown.

When Do You Need to Call a Professional Plumber?

While there are some steps you can take to address brown water issues, there are times when it’s necessary to call a professional plumber. If you want to get rid of brown water at the tap once and for all, consider hiring a plumbing service that specializes in water treatment.

A professional can identify, diagnose, and address the root cause of your brown water issue quickly and efficiently, providing you with clean, clear water at every turn.

They can also help you choose and install an appropriate filtration or softening system tailored to your specific needs. With proper maintenance and care, your home’s water supply will be free of brown water and safe for use.

Call AC Plumbing Now

Don’t compromise the safety of your home by neglecting damaged water systems. Ignoring issues not only spikes your water bill but also puts your health at risk when water is dangerous to consume.

For all residential plumbing needs, from repairs to routine maintenance, trust a team that ensures your water system functions flawlessly, protecting you and your family from brown tap water.

Contact AC Plumbing today for exceptional service and solutions to all your plumbing needs!

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Steve Goodwin


Contacted by Facebook 7pm to ask about fixing a concealed leak. Responded almost immediately, organised to come out next day. Turned up earlier, found the leak quickly and fixed that, as well as upgrading some taps, and replacing a water pump…
Megan Fisher


The AC team were great. From the very first phone call with Leanne to Andrew turning up the team were professional and friendly. Andrew made helpful observations and did a great (and fast) job of getting the job done.
Kevin Perry


Highly recommend. I called AC Plumbing at 11:30am to get a quote on replacing a Hot Water system. They were there in 30 minutes and the quote was very reasonable. I booked with them straight away and the job was done in under 4 hours…
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