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Maximizing Your Plumbing System’s Lifespan: How Often Should You Schedule Professional Maintenance?


Even though plumbing is of tremendous importance, it too often gets overlooked until an issue occurs. But, by following proper routine maintenance, you can save money and ensure your plumbing system is always in working order. How often, then, should you have your plumber check and fix any issues? This post will discuss how often you should have expert plumbing maintenance done and why this is so important.

Why is professional plumbing maintenance important?

Maintaining a plumbing system that works like a charm does call for the periodic inspection and repair by a qualified professional. A plumbing system is prone to leaks, back-ups, and other problems due to buildup, corrosion, and any other form of damage occurring over time. To find before it becomes catastrophic these problems in the inner workings of your home, routine maintenance is needed. Besides lowering your water useage and utility costs up front, professional plumbing maintenance will improve your home’s value as well.

How often should I have professional plumbing maintenance?

Several factors control the frequency with which professional plumbing maintenance is done, including the age of your plumbing system, condition and type of pipes in your home among others. Here are some guidelines as to how often you should have professional plumbing maintenance:

Annual plumbing maintenance
In most cases, a plumbing expert recommends professional plumbing maintenance at least once per year. Annual maintenance will help to avoid much bigger problems and ensure that your plumbing system is in proper working condition. At an annual maintenance visit, a professional plumber will examine and clean your drains, inspect your plumbing system, check the pressure of water coming out of your faucet and for leaks around your home.

Bi-annual plumbing maintenance
If your plumbing system is older or if you are living in a hard water area, you may need professional plumbing maintenance twice a year. Bi-annual maintenance can prevent buildup in your pipes so that the plumbing system within your home is working properly and consistently.

Quarterly plumbing maintenance
If you have a large family or runs a business where huge amounts of water are required, perhaps every three months you actually do need to hire out plumbing maintenance. Quarterly maintenance helps avoid clogs and other problems from forming and makes sure your plumbing system is not suffering due to any malfunctioning.

Monthly plumbing maintenance
If you have a septic system, you can probably do monthly plumbing maintenance so that your system is functioning well. Monthly maintenance can help prevent backups and make sure that your septic system is working like it’s supposed to.

Signs that you need professional plumbing maintenance

In addition to regular maintenance, there are some signs that you may need professional plumbing maintenance. These include:

  1. Slow or clogged drains: If your drains are consistently slow or frequently clogged, it could be a sign of a plumbing issue. that requires attention, especially to clear blocked drains.
  2. Low water pressure: If you notice a significant decrease in water pressure throughout your home, it may indicate a problem with your plumbing system.
  3. Water leaks: Any visible water leaks, whether it’s dripping faucets, pooling water, or wet spots on walls or ceilings, should be addressed by a professional plumber, especially for water leak detection.
  4. Backflow: Backflow occurs when water flows in the opposite direction, potentially contaminating your water supply. If you notice water coming back up through drains or toilets, it’s important to call a plumber
  5. Foul odors: Unpleasant smells coming from your drains or plumbing fixtures could indicate a sewer or drainage issue that requires professional attention.
  6. Complete loss of water: If you suddenly have no water at all, it could be a sign of a major plumbing problem that needs immediate attention.
  7. Pipe corrosion: Corroded pipes can lead to leaks, reduced water pressure, and other plumbing issues. If you notice signs of pipe corrosion, it’s best to consult a professional plumber.
  8. Running toilets: If your toilet continues to run even after flushing, it may indicate a problem with the flushing mechanism or a leak in the toilet tank.

These signs imply that it’s necessary to call a professional plumber to assess and then fix the plumbing issues in your home. A professional plumber has the ability and tools to diagnose and fix plumbing problems well and effectively.

DIY plumbing maintenance tips

Besides professional plumbing maintenance, there are a number of things you can do to keep your plumbing system in good shape. Here are some DIY plumbing maintenance tips:

  • Use drain strainers to prevent clogs.
  • Don’t pour grease or oil down your drains.
  • Let hot water run down your drains occasionally to clear up buildup.
  • Look for signs of damage or corrosion often on the pipes.
  • Fix leaks promptly.

By following a few of these guidelines, you can help prevent from having plumbing problems and make sure that your plumbing system works efficiently.

The benefits of professional plumbing maintenance

Regular professional plumbing maintenance can provide several benefits, including:

1. Cost savings: Professional plumbing maintenance can help you save money in the long run. Maintaining it regularly would help in identifying and tackling small issues before they become major problems, which could cost you dearly to fix. In addition, if maintained regularly, your plumbing system will function efficiently reducing your bills on water and energy purchases as well.

2. Cleaner water: Regular maintenance can keep your water supply clean and free of contaminants. A professional plumber may examine your pipes and fixtures for rust signs or some other problem that could affect how well the water meets the standards.

3. Avoid frequent issues: Regular maintenance will help you avoid those frustrations associated with frequent plumbing issues. Plumbers can identify and rectify small problems before they become major headaches, stopping you from experiencing the inconvenient breakdowns that result in hefty repair bills.

4. Safety: Regular maintenance can prevent your plumbing system from becoming a dangerous hazard. Professional plumbers can identify and fix issues such as leaks, backflood, and other potential safety issues.

In summary, regular professional plumbing maintenance can increase the performance of your plumbing system, help you save money, ensure clean water, avoid numerous occurrences, and provide safety. Professional plumbing maintenance is an integral part of proper upkeep in your plumbing system. The frequency professional plumbing maintenance depends upon various factors that include the age and condition of your plumbing system. By having regular maintenance, you can help avert expensive repair programs and ensure your plumbing systems are in top operating shape.

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Steve Goodwin


Contacted by Facebook 7pm to ask about fixing a concealed leak. Responded almost immediately, organised to come out next day. Turned up earlier, found the leak quickly and fixed that, as well as upgrading some taps, and replacing a water pump…
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The AC team were great. From the very first phone call with Leanne to Andrew turning up the team were professional and friendly. Andrew made helpful observations and did a great (and fast) job of getting the job done.
Kevin Perry


Highly recommend. I called AC Plumbing at 11:30am to get a quote on replacing a Hot Water system. They were there in 30 minutes and the quote was very reasonable. I booked with them straight away and the job was done in under 4 hours…
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