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What Happens During Plumbing Inspections


A plumbing inspection is a core process designed to ensure the maximized functionality and safety of a given property’s plumbing system, including considerations for emergency plumbing situations. This will be done by licensed plumbers or qualified inspectors who will conduct an in-depth review of pipes, fixtures, as well as associated components. The main aim of this exercise is to identify any existing problems, potential risks, or violations of codes so as to help homeowners and property owners maintain a working plumbing infrastructure that is safe, even in the context of emergency plumbing needs.

We are going to explore basic elements and procedures that usually take place in such inspections so as to gain more knowledge on their importance with regard to both homeowners and people seeking properties.

What is a Plumbing Inspection

The plumbing inspection is a full checkup of the property’s plumbing system, which involves pipes, fixtures, and other components related to ensure everything works in good condition as well as safety and code compliant. Inspection can be done by either a licensed plumber or a qualified inspector. Below are what goes on during an average plumbing inspection:

Initial Assessment: The inspector will begin by discussing any specific concerns or issues the homeowner or property owner may have. This can include issues like leaks, low water pressure, drainage problems, or unusual odors.

Exterior Inspection:

  • Water Supply Lines: The inspector will check the water supply lines entering the property for any visible leaks, corrosion, or damage.
  • Sewer Lines: They will inspect the sewer or septic system for blockages, damage, or signs of backup.
  • Outdoor Fixtures: Outdoor faucets, spigots, and hose bibs will be examined for proper operation and any leaks.

Interior Inspection:

  • Fixtures: The inspector will check sinks, faucets, toilets, showers, and tubs for leaks, proper drainage, and functionality.
  • Pipes: All accessible pipes, both supply and drain lines, will be inspected for leaks, corrosion, and proper support.
  • Water Heater: The water heater will be inspected for leaks, proper venting, and temperature and pressure relief valve functionality.
  • Water Pressure: Water pressure will be checked to ensure it falls within acceptable limits and is consistent throughout the property.
  • Drains: All drains will be checked for proper flow and any blockages.
  • Shut-off Valves: The inspector will ensure that all shut-off valves are in working order, allowing for the isolation of water to specific fixtures or areas.
  • Backflow Prevention: If the property has a backflow prevention device installed, it will be inspected to ensure it’s functioning correctly.
  • Water Meter: The water meter may be checked for any unusual readings that could indicate leaks.

Safety Measures:

  • Gas Lines: If the property has gas lines, they will be inspected for leaks and proper ventilation.
  • Ventilation: Adequate ventilation for gas appliances and sewer systems will be ensured to prevent the buildup of dangerous gases.
  • Emergency Shut-offs: The inspector will identify and verify the location of emergency shut-off valves and explain their usage to the homeowner.

Report and Recommendations: After the inspection, the inspector or plumber makes a precise report of what he found from the inspection. It may include issues and/or probable signs noted in this process, and suggestions on repairs and maintenance. Issues detected in plumbing must be fixed immediately before causing more damage; it will also help to avoid degradation to the integrity of your whole plumbing system.

A plumbing inspection is key to any building or house’s functionality and safety, not only in its systems’ operation but also in every other system of the building. Homeowners can be able to identify problem areas and solve them early enough in good time before they become costly problems later on through routine inspections. Inspections are also important when selling or buying property in order that the house owner conforms to local regulations regarding building codes towards their plumbing systems.

When Do You Need a Plumbing Inspection?

A plumbing inspection is a complete examination of your whole plumbing system. They suggest getting the place you live looked over by a plumber every two years just in case any problems ought to pop up are nothing major. If you’re living in an old house, however, they advise getting it checked quite often with many experts giving advice on yearly visits for houses that are 40 or older. Here are some of the reasons why you’ll need such a thing:

  1. Before buying a home: Many mortgage lenders require a plumbing inspection to take place before closing, but others do not. A plumbing inspection is used for you to see what kind of appearance the plumbing system is in before purchasing.
  2. Before selling a home: A plumbing inspection can help you find any problems with the house that must be fixed before listing the house on the market. This could help save you from any issues that arise during the buyer’s inspection out of nowhere.
  3. After a major weather event: Following a major weather event such as hurricanes and floods, you should consider looking into the inspection of your pipes to make sure that they aren’t damaged by the weather.
  4. When you notice issues: Complications such as blocked drains, low water pressure, or leaks must be inspected by experts straight away so that it does not result in further damage.
  5. When you make renovations: There can be no doubt that before any major designing and renovating of your home, an inspection of the plumbing is necessary to guarantee that when modifications are made; they do not interfere with the performance of your current plumbing system.

Every new plumbing and gas piping system or each part of an existing system that has been altered or repaired shall be inspected and tested, except for ordinary repairs and minor alterations.

Benefits of Having Regular Plumbing Inspections

Regular plumbing inspections offer several benefits that can help you save money and avoid major plumbing issues. The following are some of the benefits of having regular plumbing inspections.

1. Improved water flow and pressure
Any problems that may be affecting your flow or pressure of water can easily be identified and rectified during a plumbing inspection. This will increase the efficiency of your plumbing system saving you some good cash on water bills as well.

2. Prolonged lifespan of fixtures
Problems causing wear and tear can be identified and rectified during a plumbing inspection. This will increase the life span of the fixture hence helping to avoid spending so much money for repairs or replacements.

3. Reduced risks of plumbing emergencies
Regular inspections help to detect problems at an early stage, and corrections before they become even bigger problems. This reduces the risk of having to deal with astronomical costs that come from dealing with plumbing emergencies attributed to burst pipes or sewage backups coming up unexpectedly.

4. Improved indoor air and water quality
Regular inspections help in detecting any problem affecting your indoor air and water and corrections thereof. This assists in avoiding conditions for bacteria, germs, and viruses to grow and harm your health.

5. Compliance with local codes and regulations
Inspections are carried out on a regular basis, thus allowing checking whether your entire plumbing system complies with the requirements of the local codes and regulations. This may apply in commercial buildings like schools, healthcare facilities, and restaurants serving the public.

6. Early detection of issues
Regular inspection allows detection of issues at an early stage before they become worse. This will save you money on repair rather than hit the huge expenditure required to replace it because its functionality is not disturbed.

It is suggested that you check your plumbing every two years at least or if you live in an old home like the one we talked about, even more often. This would make sure that all your plumbing works the way it should and that there are no major plumbing issues for the most part of the year.

Call a Professional for your plumbing inspections

Calling a professional for your plumbing inspection is a prudent and recommended course of action. Plumbing systems are complex, and their proper functioning is essential for the comfort and safety of your home. Here are some compelling reasons why you should enlist the services of a qualified plumber or inspector for your plumbing inspection:

Expertise: The licensed plumbers, and inspectors, are in a position to inspect the plumbing system comprehensively. They can locate problems that might be impossible to detect by the naked eye hence minimizing damages that might be involved in the future.

Safety: Plumbing systems usually deal with gas lines and water heaters, which could pose safety hazards if not inspected well. Trained persons are able to ensure that the gas lines are gas-tight and water heaters are vented correctly to avoid any accumulation of dangerous gases.

Code Compliance: Most cities and towns have their own codes, which have to be complied with. Trained persons are conversant with all the codes and can ensure that your plumbing system meets all the legal requirements.

Preventive Maintenance: Plumbing inspections at regular intervals can detect minor issues that can blossom into major, expensive problems if left unchecked. A preventative approach to plumbing maintenance will save you money in the long run and will also help to extend the life of your plumbing system.

Property Value: In most cases, plumbing inspections are often used as a measuring tool in determining the condition of a plumbing system when one is buying or selling a property. An inspection shows the value the plumbing system and can add value or help to maintain the property.

Peace of Mind: He is a professional plumber so you will get a relaxed feeling after he checks your plumbing system. Surely, after checking, he is confident that everything is working well. Thus, this prevents you from the danger zone of encountering plumbing issues unexpectedly.

Customized Recommendations: Professional people can give you specialized help concerning the exact requirements of your plumbing system. It can be a leaking problem, water pressure problem, or fixture upgrading, whatever it is, they can give you the advice that is just perfect for you.

In conclusion, when it comes to your plumbing inspection, it’s wise to leave it to the experts, especially those with expertise in residential plumbing. Hiring a licensed plumber or qualified inspector ensures a thorough and reliable assessment of your plumbing system, promotes safety, and helps you maintain the integrity of your property. Investing in professional plumbing inspections is an essential step in protecting your home and its value.

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Steve Goodwin


Contacted by Facebook 7pm to ask about fixing a concealed leak. Responded almost immediately, organised to come out next day. Turned up earlier, found the leak quickly and fixed that, as well as upgrading some taps, and replacing a water pump…
Megan Fisher


The AC team were great. From the very first phone call with Leanne to Andrew turning up the team were professional and friendly. Andrew made helpful observations and did a great (and fast) job of getting the job done.
Kevin Perry


Highly recommend. I called AC Plumbing at 11:30am to get a quote on replacing a Hot Water system. They were there in 30 minutes and the quote was very reasonable. I booked with them straight away and the job was done in under 4 hours…
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