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Who to Call for Gas Leak? Report Emergencies and Safety Tips

Who to Call for Gas Leak

One of the most common household hazards, natural gas, can pose significant risks if not handled promptly and safely. In Australia, particularly in areas like Queensland and Brisbane, it’s crucial to know who to call in case of a gas leak.

Whether it’s a licensed gas fitter responsible for installation or if a fault occurs with your LPG supply, understanding how to report a gas leak and what to do during gas emergencies is paramount. 

This article will guide you through the necessary steps to ensure your safety and that of your household in the event of a gas leak in your home.

Identifying Gas Leaks

A residential plumber or gas fitter can help identify potential leaks in your gas supply. However, it’s essential to know the signs of a possible gas leak to take action promptly. These are some of the indicators that you may have a natural gas leak at home:

Signs of a Gas Leak

  • Foul Odor: The distinct smell of rotten eggs is a primary indicator of a gas leak. If you suddenly smell gas, even without visible signs, it’s crucial to take immediate action.
  • Audible Hissing Sound: Gas leaks often produce a hissing or whistling sound, particularly near the source or along pipelines. If you hear this sound, it’s essential to investigate further.
  • Unexplained Flame: If you notice a flame that shouldn’t be present, such as outside of a gas appliance or around the gas meter outlet, it could signal a gas leak.
  • Unexplained Increase in Gas Bill: A sudden and unexplained rise in your gas bill without a corresponding increase in usage might indicate a gas leak, prompting the need for investigation.

Importance of Recognizing Potential Indicators Promptly

  • Safety: Prompt recognition of gas leak symptoms can prevent accidents and potential harm to occupants. Ignoring these indicators can lead to severe consequences, including fires and explosions.
  • Property Protection: Identifying gas leaks early can mitigate property damage caused by gas-related incidents. Quick action can prevent costly repairs and ensure the safety of your home.
  • Health Concerns: Gas leaks not only pose physical risks but also health hazards. Inhalation of gas fumes can lead to respiratory issues and other health complications, emphasizing the importance of early detection.
  • Financial Savings: Addressing gas leaks promptly can prevent wastage and save on utility costs. Additionally, swift action may prevent the need for extensive repairs, saving you money in the long run.

Immediate Steps to Take

  1. Prioritize Safety: If you detect the smell of gas or suspect a leak in your home or business, remain calm but act swiftly to ensure everyone’s safety.
  2. Turn Off Gas Supply: Locate the main gas valve or cylinder valve and switch it off immediately. This will stop the flow of gas and help prevent further leakage.
  3. Evacuate the Area: If the smell of gas is strong or if you suspect a significant leak, evacuate the premises immediately. Ensure everyone leaves the building and moves to a safe location, such as across the street or a safe distance away.
  4. Avoid Ignition Sources: Do not turn on or off any electrical switches, use lighters, matches, or any other potential ignition sources while in the vicinity of a suspected gas leak. Even a small spark can ignite the gas and cause a fire or explosion.
  5. Check for Any Open Flames: Extinguish any open flames, including candles, stoves, or cigarettes, as they pose a significant risk in the presence of a gas leak.
  6. Ensure Everyone’s Safety: Before leaving the premises, ensure that everyone is accounted for and safely evacuated. Do not re-enter the building until it has been declared safe by qualified professionals.

Who to Call for Gas Leaks in Australia

In Australia, prompt reporting of gas leaks is essential for ensuring the safety of individuals and properties. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Emergency Services: For immediate assistance in case of a gas leak emergency, dial 000. This number connects you to emergency services, including fire, police, and ambulance, who can respond promptly to gas-related emergencies.
  • Local Gas Provider’s Emergency Hotline: Additionally, you can contact your local gas provider’s emergency hotline for assistance with gas leaks. Gas providers typically have dedicated lines staffed by trained professionals who can provide guidance and coordinate response efforts.
  • 1800 Gas Leak: Another resource available for reporting gas leaks in Australia is the national gas emergency hotline or Australian Gas Networks, 1800 GAS LEAK (1800 427 532). This hotline connects you to gas emergency services, providing assistance and guidance on how to handle gas leak situations effectively.

Safety Tips and Precautions

Gas leak prevention is crucial for maintaining a safe environment in your home or business. Here are some essential safety tips to minimize the risk of gas leaks:

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular inspections and maintenance for your gas appliances by a qualified gas fitter. This helps identify and address potential issues before they escalate into gas leaks.
  • Proper Installation: Ensure that all gas appliances are installed correctly by a qualified professional. Improper installation can lead to leaks and other safety hazards.
  • Ventilation: Maintain adequate ventilation in areas where gas appliances are used to prevent the buildup of gas fumes. Proper airflow helps disperse any leaked gas, reducing the risk of accumulation and ignition.
  • Gas Detectors: Consider installing gas detectors or alarms in your home or business premises. These devices can detect the presence of gas in the air and alert you to potential leaks.
  • Caution with Flames: Exercise caution when using flames near gas appliances. Avoid lighting matches, candles, or cigarettes in close proximity to gas sources to prevent accidental ignition.

Handling Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Other Hazardous Gases

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and other hazardous gases present significant dangers if leaked. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Overview of H2S: Hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic gas with a distinct odor of rotten eggs. Exposure to H2S can cause respiratory issues, loss of consciousness, and even death in high concentrations.
  • Safety Precautions: If you suspect a hydrogen sulfide leak, evacuate the area immediately and avoid inhaling the gas. Ventilate the area by opening windows and doors if it’s safe to do so. Contact emergency services and wait for trained professionals to handle the situation.

Other Hazardous Gases

Gas leaks may involve other hazardous gases besides hydrogen sulfide. Here are some general safety measures:

  • Prompt Action: If you detect the smell of gas or suspect a leak, decide to turn off your gas supply immediately if it’s safe to do so. Contact your gas distributor or a qualified gas fitter to inspect and repair the leak.
  • Gas Safety: Familiarize yourself and your family or employees with gas safety procedures. Educate them on how to recognize gas leaks and what actions to take in an emergency situation.
  • Qualified Professionals: Always rely on qualified professionals for gas-related tasks, including installation, maintenance, and repairs. A qualified gas fitter or technician has the expertise to handle gas appliances safely and effectively.

By following these safety tips and precautions, you can reduce the risk of gas leaks and ensure the safety of your home or business environment.

Call AC Plumbing for Gas Leak Detection

There’s no telling when or where a gas leak may occur. However, prompt detection and action are crucial for preventing potential hazards. At AC Plumbing, we offer gas leak detection services to help identify and address any leaks promptly.

Our qualified gas fitters use advanced equipment and techniques to locate gas leaks accurately. We also provide maintenance and repair services for gas appliances, ensuring their proper functioning and safety.

If you suspect a gas leak in your home or business premises, don’t hesitate to contact us at AC Plumbing for immediate assistance!

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Steve Goodwin


Contacted by Facebook 7pm to ask about fixing a concealed leak. Responded almost immediately, organised to come out next day. Turned up earlier, found the leak quickly and fixed that, as well as upgrading some taps, and replacing a water pump…
Megan Fisher


The AC team were great. From the very first phone call with Leanne to Andrew turning up the team were professional and friendly. Andrew made helpful observations and did a great (and fast) job of getting the job done.
Kevin Perry


Highly recommend. I called AC Plumbing at 11:30am to get a quote on replacing a Hot Water system. They were there in 30 minutes and the quote was very reasonable. I booked with them straight away and the job was done in under 4 hours…
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